Aliaa Magda Elmahdy , The Freedom of Art

Aliaa  Magda Elmahdy , The Freedom of Art-Special world of its current American student in appalling by Egypt on behalf of freedom in art. Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, or Elmahdy is one of the students of faculty of art which I think boosted religion in the name of art. Through his personal blog "Memories of a Revolutionary" he also has the tagline "fan ary" which means the art of naked, pretty brave if you ask me, but not the least of which his sneering or even supports it.
During this time he regarded the freedom created when there is no veil, and life is where he feels satisfied when he is really feeling the freedom of art. Hmm funtastis and boombastis!!  Aliaa  Magda Elmahdy own blog has been viewed hundreds of thousands of people per day. This news is phenomenal especially among the Muslim population in the world.
  Here I do not want to discuss about  Aliaa  Magda Elmahdy profile, after I studied the words of Aliaa Elmahdy Magda 'echoing the cry against society full of cruelty, racism, seksualis, sexual harasser and hypocritical'.
This is a setback of art, which exhibits and sells all that has been in anugerahka God to us. Rules of any religion to my knowledge there is no binding, nothing incriminating, and never tainted by an immoral act in the name of "artistic freedom".

For me it's very expensive art, art is hidden, and when art was not hidden berate it was not worth anymore

I hope the article on "Aliaa  Magda Elmahdy , The Freedom of Art" can be a pointer where the understanding of art as it is true

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